
The concrete aims of the project are the following:

  1. mapping of European studies and the comprehensive review of the evolution of European studies over the last decades in the different disciplines and countries that will result from it will unable scholars and policy makers alike understanding which fields of work would need more attention in the future and thus will lead to better quality in European studies.The proposed project is an ambitious, far reaching network about the status of EU studies today, as well as the idea of Europe as it is transmitted by schools, national politicians,
  2. improving the use of innovative teaching methodologies, including a widespread use of ITs means in teaching at EU affairs, in the different disciplines within EU studies, both in schools and universities, as well as to spread best practices in the field of teaching methodologies.
  3. promoting EU studies at school and by investigating the idea of Europe transmitted by the popular media, the films ect we intend to contribute to a better understanding of the concept of European citizens and to wide spread the knowledge of the main values embedded in the process of European integration. We shall also investigate weather EU scholars are successful in transmitting their knowledge to policy makers, opinion makers and citizens in general.
  4. encouraging the use of innovative teaching methods both in schools and universities, highlighting the cross-fertilization between the disciplines and the methods used following the development of the EU (e.g. use of cases in teaching EU law also in civil law countries, such as Italy and France). The SENT project provides ES teaching staff with a forum, as well as two training seminars, for discussion and exchange of experience on teaching methodologies higher education in order to upgrade their knowledge and skills when teaching European Studies.

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